Household Packaging

Household Packaging

Household Packaging for Multiple Purposes

Many household tasks also require specialised packaging materials. Waste collection and sorting, shopping and the safe refrigeration of kitchen ingredients are just some of the areas for which we offer suitable packaging.

Our range of products includes the classic coloured, striped and clear T-Shirt bags in a variety of sizes, as well as bin and trash bags, green waste bags and professional kitchen fridge bags in a range of sizes and colours.

Household Packaging Materials

Garbage Bags, Bin Bags

Garbage Bags, Bin Bags

A must-have for waste management in a wide range of sizes and colours

T-Shirt Bags

T-Shirt Bags

Shopping bags in various sizes in both traditional and unique colours

Green Waste Bags

Green Waste Bags

Waste bags manufactured with biodegradable additive for garden and green waste

Fridge Storage Bags

Fridge Storage Bags

Deep freeze bags for household and professional kitchen use

Printed Shopping Bags

Printed Shopping Bags

You can also order our T-Shirt shopping bags printed with a custom design

Roll and Tear-off Plastic Bags

Roll and Tear-off Plastic Bags

For packaging vegetables, fruit, bakery products, and other small items